
Since we are deeply passionate about company culture and work ethics, we of course live our culture of trust, transparency, respect and teamwork to the fullest, so this is what you can expect when working with us.

Develop and manifest your culture

<aside> 0️⃣ Culture Assessment (free!)

<aside> 1️⃣ Define your Culture Vision (2000 €)

<aside> 2️⃣ Forge and document your culture (get a quote)

<aside> 3️⃣ Manifest and iterate Culture (get a quote)

Culture Coach

<aside> 💡 Questions, asks or issues? Lets talk.

We are not only passionate and experienced in developing Culture Codes, but we can also be your executive coach, advisor or sparring partner. We’ll just bill by the hour, no strings attached.


<aside> 📞 Get in touch


Happiness Guarantee

Our offers are all-in fees, no hidden extra costs aside from travel costs should you choose to invite us to your office(s) for the workshops.

Our process is transparent and our deliverables clearly defined. We will provide an ROI calculation for each individual customer that will allow you to assess the value that our work will provide.

We believe that culture needs to be bought into and lived by the C-Level as well as the management team. That’s why you get a cancellation right after Step 1 and Step 2 in the culture code process if you are not satisfied with the results or realize that you cannot stand behind the changes needed to successfully implement the culture changes.