<aside> ℹ️ Yes, we practice what we preach. So find below the Culture Code of the Culture Code Foundation. ⚠️ This is ours, not yours. And yes, we like plain text 🤓 Our Culture Code has three main sections:

(1) The values with its detailed descriptions to guide behaviors.
(2) The manifestation through explicitly named behaviors. (3) The process how our culture retrospectives work.


Our right to exist

Our Core Purpose

By fostering positive, value-oriented behaviors, we forge high performance cultures that thrive on exceptionally engaged employees.

Let’s dissect this to explain a bit more:

Our BHAG (”Big Hairy Audacious Goal”)

Cultural DNA is commonly understood as the biggest competitive advantage.

In order to achieve that BHAG, we need to not only have a significant and long-term impact on the business results of our clients, but also we need to have worked with a large number of customers and then conducted a scientific study to demonstrate in practice what research has already shown. We will prove, that culture is the most important competitive moat a company can build and thus convince leaders to focus more on culture, which ultimately leads to a paradigm shift how companies are run. We are at the forefront of this movement. That’s a moonshot, but didn’t all big leaps seem impossible first?

As a side effect on our road to the BHAG and through our core purpose, we do our part to minimize crime, decrease violence, alleviate discrimination and many more negative behaviors while making people have more fun at work. This is how we make a difference in the world.

Our Values

Our Values are the guidelines why and how we do things around here. Our culture is our first principle. Our culture is the foundation for the way we work, interact and implement our strategy. We hire and fire based on these principles.

Our commitments for